Djarragun has two main boarding houses that our boys and girls live in.
The Boys’ Boarding precinct is made up of 6 buildings at the front of the College. Boys are accommodated in rooms with two boarders per room with about 45 boys living at the College. Showers and toilets are at the end of each block and about eight students share each toilet block. There is a kitchen, games room, TV room and plenty of green grass for students to run around.
The Girls’ Boarding precinct is towards the back of the College and houses around 40 boarders. The junior girls share in rooms with two other boarders while the senior girls share their rooms with one other boarder. All girl rooms have ensuite bathrooms and toilets. There are two common rooms, outdoor sports area and a large kitchen in girls boarding.
The College has two large basketball and sports centres, a swimming pool and two large ovals. The boarders are able to use all of the College facilities after hours with permission from staff.