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Student wellbeing is important to each member of the Djarragun staff. We pride ourselves in working with our students and families and in knowing our families.

Berry Street Education Model – Wellbeing Approach

The College is committed to implementing and embedding the Berry Street Education Model (BSEM). This is an evidence based positive education and trauma informed wellbeing program that enables students’ academic and personal growth. The model is unique because it educates students and staff to reinforce and sustain cognitive and behavioural change, thereby re-engaging young people in learning and progressing their academic achievement.

Research supports the implementation of Berry Street Education Model with a University of Melbourne student in 2015 proving the impact BSEM has on improving student achievement, engagement, wellbeing and behaviour. In fact, the research impact found that primary students who are involved in BSEM achieved more than two years academic growth in on year following the implementation of the model.

Berry Street Education Model has five domains which correspond with the child-development capacities that each student must build in order to be ‘ready to learn’. We focus first on building their capacity to engage and then nurture their willingness to engage.

Body – Building students’ capacities by increasing physical regulation of the stress response, de-escalation and focus.

Relationships – Nurturing on-task learning through relational classroom management strategies

Stamina – Creating a culture of academic persistence by nurturing resilience, emotional intelligence and a growth mindset

Engagement – Motivating students with strategies that increase their willingness to learn.

Character – Harnessing a values and character strengths approach to instil students’ self-knowledge for future pathways

Therapeutic Crisis Intervention

The College staff use Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI) strategies when dealing with students who are escalated or about to escalate. These proven evidence-based strategies complement the Berry Street Education Model and each year our staff are trained in these strategies.