The world around us continues to rapidly evolve. Students are immersed in a multitude of relevant technologies utilised in all forms of living today.
Schools must embrace technology and teach students to be producers, not only consumers, as they interact on their devices. At Djarragun, our Primary School students have ready access to virtually a 1:1 iPad availability supplied on campus for all students to use in their learning. This includes wireless keyboards to assist with the producer-of-relevant-work component. Our Primary students also have access to laptops and are used by teachers in mainstream teaching of class content.
It is important that pedagogy and learning objectives be the drivers of technology integration, not simply adding devices into a classroom without the clear purpose of learning 21st century knowledge and skills, while still enhancing traditional literacy and numeracy capabilities.
Each Primary School classroom has projection capabilities, along with increased access to airplay technologies to create a seamless environment. Our aim is to embed the technology into everyday teaching, as well as provide dedicated technology learning time to ensure higher levels of digital literacy among students.